Tuesday 5 July 2016


Spring came,

           and they said

   Winter died of warmth…….

Now Summer’s here

         and scorched

        poor Spring  away……

And so we wait

        for Autumn

to appear…….

  And when she comes
        she dances madly,

splashing colours

rich and deep…….

Red-cheeked, loud,

         she stomps out Summer’s fire…

  She laughs and romps

 till woodsmoke and October

                         fill the air……….

She whirls about

            in gusts of wind,

her dancing faster, wilder


till she must be tamed

   by the silence

         of  Winter.

Old Winter………..

         Sober, cold, and grey.

             Awake once more.

His bleak face and empty eyes

            still her feet

     and chill her heart……

She creeps away

   poor Autumn,

         Sad, cold and lost.

And  Winter stands alone.

    Icy, unkind Winter……..
          He spreads his mantle out,

his hard cold hands on all he sees.

        And so he stays

Until he falls asleep,

                 And Spring peeps out again……………